Deep Sleep Sunday – May 5th (3 hour session)

A half day workshop sharing time with like minded people exploring simple ways to selfCare.

Sunday May 5th 2pm – 5pm.






It’ more than a long snooze 💤 Sleep deprivation causes serious problems in all areas of life. We can all benefit from a good night sleep
This workshop will introduce techniques and healthy habits to promote a more restful and restorative sleep and tips to increase energy levels after a restless night
Lets make time to talk & discover some Sleep Self Care that suits you & your lifestyle I’ll introduce you to aromatherapy, nutrition, getting a good nights sleep, simple exercise & relaxation


Your mind & body are intimately connected. The way you move can affect the way you think & vice versa. If you’re ‘stretched for time’ we will build a simple routine & improve mind body connection. Moving & Stretching not only improves posture, balance, stability & coordination, we become more flexible & improve our overall health.


This part of the workshop will help boost your magnesium levels by soaking in a foot spa whilst learning self-massage techniques, to help you create a relaxed body & mind. It doesn’t take long and you don’t need to undress. It’s an invaluable tool for helping you hit the refresh button.


When someone is tense or angry, we often say “Take a deep breath” or when we’ve escaped a bad situation, “we can breathe easier” We can take it for granted. However, research suggests that ‘breathwork’, could have far reaching implications for sleep & the health of both mind & body. We will create simple easy to repeat breathing techniques to calm & relax, improve concentration or boost mood at any time of day or night or in any situation


One of the keys to falling asleep is relaxation. Reducing anxiety has sweeping health benefits including to help reduce insomnia. There are many variations of mindfulness meditations for different situations. One easy to use style is the ‘My Time Out Body Scan & Progressive Muscle Relaxation & Relaxation Time’ This creates a calming effect throughout the body & will be easy to duplicate any time you need to relax & let go. So grab your mat, a warm blanket & allow me to share this with you to close our ‘Time Out’ Together.


DEEP SLEEP SUNDAY a My Time Out Workshop

3 hour workshop split into 5 elements
Woodborough Institute Roe Lane NG14 6BW
Sun May 5th 2024 14:00am – 17:00m
£39 per person (morning or afternoon session)