Bath Salts Calm (Green)

Aroma blended botanical Bath Salts contains pure essential oils, Magnesium and Himalayan salts & carefully selected botanicals.




From our 8 beautifully crafted Aroma Blends let me introduce you to our Aroma Blended Botanical Bath Salts ‘Calm’
First allow the presence of Lavender to relieve frustration and bring calm to any situation , then settle back into being uplifted, ready to enjoy life & lift the spirits that follows created by geranium and clary sage

For use in a bath or foot spa when you want to renew and refresh your body & senses . Simply scoop the desired amount into the gauze bag provided then drop it into warm water! Awakening the benefits of the magnesium and Himalayan salts and pure essential oils in your chosen blend. When you finish simply scoop out your bag which will retain the botanicals for a nice clean bath and no blocked drains

‘Calm ’ Aroma blended botanical bath salts contains pure essential oils, magnesium and Himalayan salts & carefully selected botanicals