Amethyst Natural Gemstone Healing Pendulum Crystal
Why Choose Amethyst?
Amethyst is one of the best known crystals and its properties excel itself.
It is most commonly associated with enhancing spirituality, connection and intuition as well as providing a sense of calm and relaxation. The meaning of Amethyst links itself to trust, grace, purity, serenity and understanding. Therefore, it’s no wonder that an amethyst pendulum can come in useful during spiritual practices and/ or meditation.
Not only does an amethyst pendulum look beautiful, but the properties it possesses make it ideal when you’re seeking some spiritual guidance.
Physical benefits:
Boosts Immune System
Aids deeper sleep and promote more peaceful rest
Helps to ease migraines
Emotional benefits:
Helps create a calm, clearer mind
Helps balance emotions
Enhances courage and self belief
Allows ease of decision making
Spiritual benefits:
Intuition and Clarity
Third Eye Awakening
Enhance’s positive energy and eradicates negative influence
How to use the Pendulum
Pendulums are used as a tool of divination and are used for spiritual guidance, meditation, decision making, answering questions, and cleansing negative energy. It works by tapping into your intuition and sixth sense and acts as a receiver from a higher guidance.
For those who want to know how to use a pendulum for decision making and answering question/ allowing clarity of the mind, its very simple
- Step 1: Ground yourself – Allow yourself a little time to come into the moment, check in with yourself and begin to focus on the here and now – Take a few deep breathes if that helps. The aim of this step is to Relax, Let go, and be in the moment.
- Step 2: Connect yourself with the pendulum – Sit with your pendulum, look at it, focus on it, and connect with it. Again take a few deep breathes and feel yourself relax into the moment with your pendulum.
- Step 3: Find your Yes/ No – Hold your pendulum in your dominant hand, and hover it around 6 to 8 inches over the palm of the opposite hand. Ask your pendulum simple yes / no questions find its response. Ask 2 -3 questions to make sure you know the responses and direction of the answers.
- Step 4: Fire away – You are now in a position to ask your pendulum any questions, but remember it can only answer Yes or No.
The main thing to remember is to relax and have an open mind. The more you practice, the better your pendulum skills will become and good results come your way. With a positive clear mindset anything is possible 🙂